Socks by the Heel FREE sock pattern


33 Reviews
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As its name says, this sock pattern is worked from the heel. The heel starts as a toes-up sock and then, increase to get the total sts needed to work the leg and foot.

This original and FREE sock pattern is a design by Louise Robert for Biscotte Yarns.

In addition to the pattern, you will need the following material to knit Socks by the Heel:

This pattern is offered as a PDF file: a link to download the pattern will appear at the end of your order and sent by email as well. Thank you for your interest in Biscotte Yarns & patterns!!

2018-09-23: correction of row 7 - Transition Short Row section, we should read "SL1-GSR, p1, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, k2, yo, ssk, p2, k2, turn."

Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
Susan Ferguson
Sock direction challenge

I started out well but it wasn't clear to me where to join in circle or that I had to join in a circle so knit a long way with the pattern up the side before realizing that the pattern was up the shin. Tinked and got in order. Second sock was easier. Drawings would have helped.

France Lefebvre

Merci beaucoup

nicole benchetrit


Luce Trudel

Merci pour le patron gratuit que j’ai tricoté par curiosité, vu qu’il débutait par le talon.

Christiane Lafortune
Patron de bas

Vraiment très joli
