Laced with Stripes Knitting Pattern


10 Reviews
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Andrea Yetman is spoiling us again with her new "Laced with stripes" short-sleeved top.

The name says it all! This tee features a lace panel on the back and single row stripes. Laced with stripes is a fun and engaging knit resulting in a beautiful, modern looking tee! - Andrea



  • Main Fabric – 3.75mm (US#5) circulars of at least 75 cm (30”) (or size needed to obtain gauge).
  • Ribbing – 3.5mm (US#4) circulars of at least 75 cm (30”) and preferred needles.

ACCESSORIES: Tapestry needle, stitch holder or yarn of contrasting color, stitch markers

GAUGE: 25 stitches and 33 rows = 4 inches; 10 cm in Stockinette Stitch

SIZES: 34 (36, 38, 40, 42, 44)/ FINISHED BUST: 36 (38 40, 42, 44, 46) inches : 92 (96, 101, 106, 111, 116) cm.


This tee is knit top down starting with the back lace and then picking up stitches in the cast on edge of the back for the front which is worked flat to the arm holes. The front and back are then joined to work in the round knit in one row stripes. There is a little short row shaping for the neckline and for the hem. After the tee is knit there is no need to pick up stitches for the neckline or the cuffs of the sleeve. Once casting off at the hem the tee is complete!! This tee is meant to be worn with 2 inches (5 cm) of positive ease.

This pattern is available as a PDF numeric file. Simply add it to your cart and follow every steps to complete your order. You will get a link to download your pattern at the final screen and you will also get this link by email. Enjoy!

2022-06-07: Correction was made on the grid at row number 7 to reflect the written part.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Laced with stripes

Un patron bien expliqué. La laine Bamboo Pop donne un très beau résultat

Bientôt sur mes aiguilles

Il est sur ma liste à faire bientôt

Super chandail

Simple et élégant


Je n'ai pas encore débuté ce projet mais j'ai lu le patron il semble très bien expliqué, j'ai hâte de m'y mettre 😊

Anne Lafond
Très beau modèle

Je l'intègre dans mes futurs projets 😁
