Lucille's Shawl 🦋


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Here is the Lucille Shawl pattern, designed by a teacher in our Quebec City store. It's an easy pattern to make and written for beginners!

You can knit this shawl with the yarn and the needles of your choice since the gauge is not critical for this project.

This is more of a recipe than a pattern in the strict sense so you can follow the instructions below until you are happy with the length of your shawl or you have used up all your yarn!

FOR YOUR INFORMATION - Here are the materials used to knit the shawl shown here.

YARN Noro Enka [50% Cotton, 20% Silk, 15% Wool, 15% Polyamide – 200 grams per balls; 503 meters] 2 balls of colour #06

GAUGE : 16 stitches and 26 rows = 10 cm in garter stitch with 5.5 mm needles.

SIZES : Width (measured in the longest part): 250 cm; 100" and height (measured in the deepest part): 60 cm; 24".

NOTE : Increases in this pattern are made by lifting the yarn between the stitches from the previous row as follows: use the left hand needle to lift the yarn between the stitch you just knitted and the next one and knit this “yarn”. This will be more difficult to do on the first row but the yarn will be more apparent on subsequent rows.

Since it can be easy to confuse the right side and the wrong side of this project, which is knitted entirely in garter stitch, use a safety pin or a removable stitch marker to identify the right side of the work if necessary.


Customer Reviews

Based on 30 reviews

Jolie châle . Idéale pour utiliser les restants de laine et produire un projet superbe

Thérèse Bossé
Châle Lucille

Super beau patron, je le ferai bientôt

Mireille Croteau

Très fAcile à faire

Denyse Lepage
Châle de Lucille

Modèle simple ,explications claires.
Très facile à faire

Le châle de Lucille

C’est un patron extrêmement simple, agréable à tricoter et donnant un beau résultat.
